Fresh air, breastmilk, coconut oil, corn starch, and a warm baking soda bath are all wonderful ways to heal diaper rash naturally and effectively.
Whether it is from teething or a yucky bowel movement, our little ones will inevitably fall victim to this painful ailment, if you are like me you want to avoid using chemical products on your baby’s sensitive skin. Below are 5 ways to heal diaper rash using methods I have personally used with success.
- #5 Way to heal diaper rash is by using a warm baking soda bath.
- #4 Way to heal diaper rash is by using corn starch.
- #3 Way to heal diaper rash is by using coconut oil.
- #2 Way to heal diaper rash is by using breastmilk.
- #1 Way to heal diaper rash is by using fresh air.
# 5 Way to Heal Diaper Rash-BAKING SODA BATH
WHY IT WORKS: Baking soda has natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It can be used as a safe & gentle method for soothing & healing multiple skin issues, including diaper rash. I also want to mention it is $ CHEAP $.
TEMPERATURE OF WATER: A warm bath is my personal go to anytime I have an ache or pain, however momma’s bath temperature will be much hotter than little one’s skin can handle. One method I have used to gauge appropriate temperature is the “back of hand method”. The back of your hand is much more sensitive than the inside of your hand. TRY IT yourself next time you run some hot water; you will notice the difference immediately buy simply turning your hand over. For our little one’s sensitive skin it is important to make sure the water is not too hot (think lukewarm) around 98-100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius).
AMOUNT OF WATER: For an infant tub I would add 1-3 teaspoons, for a full sized bathtub about a quarter full, I would add 2-4 tablespoons. The amount of water that is required in the bath will depend on the age and stage of your little one.
NOW WHAT?: Let your baby soak for at least 10 minutes in the water, NEVER LEAVE A BABY ALONE in the tub. Do not scrub the area and when you remove the baby from the water gently pat dry the area. If you are able to, this would be a great time to jump to #1 Way to Heal Diaper Rash-FRESH AIR. 🙂
***You can also make a paste with baking soda and apply directly to the sore area. Let it sit for 3-5 minutes and gently wipe with a soft cloth.
#4 Way to Heal Diaper Rash- CORN STARCH
WHY IT WORKS: Corn starch is soft, soothing, and great at absorbing moisture which along with chaffing is the culprit for most diaper rash. I also want to mention it is $ CHEAP $. **Side note: if cornstarch is the only method you are using, and things do not seem to be getting better after 24 hours then baby may have a rash caused by yeast or bacteria which will require a different method for healing.
AMOUNT OF CORNSTARCH: This product can be a bit messy due to the very fine texture. When using cornstarch I dump about 1/2 cup into a small container with a lid that I kept in my diaper caddy. After gently cleaning and drying the diaper rash area I pinch & sprinkle a small amount over baby’s bum and spread gently with my finger. HELPFUL HINT: If you find you like this method, put some cornstarch in a container that has a lid with holes (like a salt shaker), this will help with the sprinkling of the product.
NOW WHAT?: Put the diaper on as usual.
#3 Way to Heal Diaper Rash-COCONUT OIL
WHY IT WORKS: Coconut oil has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. If the diaper rash is caused by yeast (which is common) then the coconut oil can quickly combat the rash. Coconut oil moisturizes while also reducing inflammation. *Side note: Coconut oil can be used for yeast infections of any kind, blog post of that coming soon. I want to add that I have found the most affordable organic coconut oil at ALDI Grocery Stores.
AMOUNT OF COCONUT OIL: After gently cleaning and drying the diaper rash area apply approximately a teaspoon of the oil to the rash area (hold it in the palm of your hand to melt).
NOW WHAT? Put the diaper on as usual.
#2 Way to Heal Diaper Rash- BREASTMILK
WHY IT WORKS: Let’s start with a fun fact; studies have been done that found applying breastmilk to a diaper rash is just as effective as applying hydrocortisone cream. Why is that? Breastmilk contains immunoglobulins, which are antibodies that fight off disease and illness. Diaper rash is merely one of the ailments you can use your amazing breastmilk to heal. (Blog post on breastmilk coming soon) *Side note: if breastmilk is the only method you are using, and things do not seem to be getting better after 24 hours then baby may need an alternative treatment for the rash.
AMOUNT OF BREASTMILK: After gently cleaning and drying the diaper rash area express enough breastmilk to cover the rash area. It is VERY IMPORTANT to let this dry before putting the diaper back on your little one. Moisture is a leading cause of rash so applying the diaper before it is dry can make matters worse.
NOW WHAT? After the breastmilk has dried completely put the diaper on as usual.
#1 Way to Heal Diaper Rash- FRESH AIR
WHY IT WORKS: Moist, dark areas are breeding grounds for bacteria and yeast, so what better place than in a diaper? Letting the skin have time to “breathe” will discourage growth of these unwanted microbes.
AMOUNT OF FRESH AIR TIME: ANY amount of time you are able to expose the clean skin to fresh air is helpful, whether it be one minute or twenty. The longer you are able to allow baby’s bum to fly free, the quicker you are likely to see positive results. Many variables will dictate this decision; age of the little one, temperature of the room, mobility of baby, and of course your location. You probably should not let your pants free toddler run around the grocery store. 🙂
NOW WHAT? Before putting the diaper back on, See # 2- #5 Ways to Heal Diaper Rash to increase healing time for your sweet baby.
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional. These tips come from my own personal experience as a momma of four beautiful children. Use these tips at your own risk and discretion.
Wow, the breast milk was a surprise to me, but makes perfect sense actually.